Středoevropské centrum pro finance a management

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Chandan Sengupta: Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 78% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 22% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 156)

Financial Modeling Using Excel and VBA

Autor: Chandan Sengupta
Popis nebo abstrakt: Comprehensive instruction on developing real-world financial models This book, designed for self-study, classroom use, and reference, presents a com-prehensive approach to developing simple to sophisticated financial models in all major areas of finance. The approach is based on the author's 20 years of experience of developing such models in the business world and teaching a popular MBA class in financial modeling. The book assumes only basic knowledge of Excel and teaches all advanced features of Excel and VBA from scratch using a unique simple method. A companion CD includes all working versions of all the models presented in the book and additional useful reference material. Chandan Sengupta (White Plains, NY) teaches finance in the MBA program at Fordham University's Graduate School of Business. Formerly, he was vice president of the Chase Manhattan Bank for eight years and senior financial advisor for Mobil Corporation for 10 years. He is also the author of The Only Proven Road to Investment Success (0-471-44307-7).
Vydání: 1.
Datum vydání: 02/2004
Počet stran: 657
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 04-7126-768-6
Vydavatel: Wiley
Více informací:
Bryan Maizlish, Robert Handler: IT Portfolio Management: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 78% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 22% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 153)

IT Portfolio Management: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology

Autor: Bryan Maizlish, Robert Handler
Popis nebo abstrakt: Information technology (IT) provides inordinate value if applied properly. Identifying and implementing new value and revenue opportunities, while maximizing return based on existing investments is contingent on understanding the entire portfolio of information technology investments. Just as a financial investment portfolio requires constant monitoring and action, the investments a company has, or is making, in IT must constantly be evaluated. This need is evermore heightened in today's demanding regulatory environment. While silver bullet solutions do not exist for difficult problems, IT portfolio management provides a realistic approach to ensuring that investments in technology continue to support the needs of business.

Based on the authors' combined professional hands-on IT and financial experience of over thirty years, the unparalleled input and support from an army of individuals from the leading IT market research firm in the area of IT portfolio management, extensive research and case studies from many exemplar companies, IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step provides the closest thing to a Holy Grail solution—the first complete book ever published that presents a proven, pragmatic, and non-technical approach to simplifying the process of achieving a rationalized and business-aligned IT portfolio.

IT Portfolio Management Step-By-Step encapsulates the essential ingredients novices and experts need to build or fortify an existing IT portfolio, including extensive coverage of:

The comprehensive five-level IT portfolio maturity model and portfolio metrics
Policies, principles, organizational roles, and other governance aspects of IT portfolio management, including linkages to Sarbanes-Oxley and CobiT
The IT life cycle and each IT sub-portfolio in their content and context
The eight detailed stages and specific tasks of building, step by step, the IT portfolio, replete with realities and lessons learned
Coverage of advanced IT portfolio management topics such as Monte Carlo Simulation, the Efficient Frontier curve, Real Options, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Earned
Value Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and Scenario Planning
Criteria for selecting an IT portfolio management tool vendor
Insight regarding the impact of future trends and technologies on IT portfolio management
Vydání: 1.
Datum vydání: 04/2005
Počet stran: 376
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 04-7164-984-8
Vydavatel: Wiley
Více informací:
Scott Berkun: The Art of Project Management
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 77% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 23% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 159)

The Art of Project Management

Autor: Scott Berkun
Popis nebo abstrakt: "'The Art of Project Management' covers it all--from practical methods for making sure work gets done right and on time, to the mindset that can make you a great leader motivating your team to do their best. Reading this was like reading the blueprint for how the best projects are managed at Microsoft... I wish we always put these lessons into action!" --Joe Belfiore, General Manager, E-home Division, Microsoft Corporation

"Berkun has written a fast paced, jargon-free and witty guide to what he wisely refers to as the 'art' of project management. It's a great introduction to the discipline. Seasoned and new managers will benefit from Berkun's perspectives." --Joe Mirza, Director, CNET Networks (

"Most books with the words 'project management' in the title are dry tomes. If that's what you are expecting to hear from Berkun's book, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's about project management. But it's also about creativity, situational problem-solving, and leadership. If you're a team member, project manager, or even a non-technical stakeholder, Scott offers dozens of practical tools and techniques you can use, and questions you can ask, to ensure your projects succeed." --Bill Bliss, Senior VP of product and customer experience,

In The Art of Project Management, you'll learn from a veteran manager of software and web development how to plan, manage and lead projects. This personal account of hard lessons learned over a decade of work in the industry distills complex concepts and challenges into practical nuggets of useful advice. Inspiring, funny, honest, and compelling, this is the book you and your team need to have within arms reach. It will serve you well with your current work, and on future projects to come.
Vydání: 1.
Datum vydání: 04/2005
Počet stran: 400
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 05-9600-786-8
Vydavatel: O'Reilly
Více informací:
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