Středoevropské centrum pro finance a management

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Scott Berkun: The Art of Project Management
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 77% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 23% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 159)

The Art of Project Management

Autor: Scott Berkun
Popis nebo abstrakt: "'The Art of Project Management' covers it all--from practical methods for making sure work gets done right and on time, to the mindset that can make you a great leader motivating your team to do their best. Reading this was like reading the blueprint for how the best projects are managed at Microsoft... I wish we always put these lessons into action!" --Joe Belfiore, General Manager, E-home Division, Microsoft Corporation

"Berkun has written a fast paced, jargon-free and witty guide to what he wisely refers to as the 'art' of project management. It's a great introduction to the discipline. Seasoned and new managers will benefit from Berkun's perspectives." --Joe Mirza, Director, CNET Networks (

"Most books with the words 'project management' in the title are dry tomes. If that's what you are expecting to hear from Berkun's book, you will be pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's about project management. But it's also about creativity, situational problem-solving, and leadership. If you're a team member, project manager, or even a non-technical stakeholder, Scott offers dozens of practical tools and techniques you can use, and questions you can ask, to ensure your projects succeed." --Bill Bliss, Senior VP of product and customer experience,

In The Art of Project Management, you'll learn from a veteran manager of software and web development how to plan, manage and lead projects. This personal account of hard lessons learned over a decade of work in the industry distills complex concepts and challenges into practical nuggets of useful advice. Inspiring, funny, honest, and compelling, this is the book you and your team need to have within arms reach. It will serve you well with your current work, and on future projects to come.
Vydání: 1.
Datum vydání: 04/2005
Počet stran: 400
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 05-9600-786-8
Vydavatel: O'Reilly
Více informací:
Steven M. Bragg: Business Ratios and Formulas : A Comprehensive Guide
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 79% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 21% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 145)

Business Ratios and Formulas : A Comprehensive Guide

Autor: Steven M. Bragg
Popis nebo abstrakt: Every department in every business produces some kind of information that can be used by its manager to measure performance.
Datum vydání: 9/2002
Počet stran: 352
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 04-7139-643-5
Vydavatel: Wiley
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Steven M. Bragg: Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide
Knihu hodnotím pozitivně a doporučuji ke koupi 77% z Vás
Knihu hodnotím negativně a nedoporučuji ke koupi 23% z Vás
(celkem hlasů: 154)

Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide

Autor: Steven M. Bragg
Popis nebo abstrakt: From processing accounts payable and closing the books in a timely fashion to making recommendations for improvements that will enhance a company's overall performance, corporate controllers and financial managers have a wide range of responsibilities. But these tasks also represent a wide area of opportunity. The controller who has developed skills beyond that of routine accounting management to include innovative financial analysis can become a highly valued member of a company's infrastructure. This opens the door to a variety of promotions and high-level interactions with other departments. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide is designed to help the controller acquire and apply top-notch financial analysis skills. In addition to covering the traditional aspects of the field, here are thorough analyses of such advanced topics as:

* Evaluating acquisition targets
* Increasing shareholder value
* Determining the break-even point
* Forecasting future business conditions
* Using sample analysis reports
* Determining the cost of capital
* Analyzing risk

Here is hard-to-find coverage of management performance review systems, process cycle analysis techniques, and capacity analysis methods-plus checklists, advice, and detailed examples and comprehensive explanations of many internal areas. This guide will be an indispensable tool for the controller who is interested in enhancing career opportunities in the field.

Benefit Your Company-and Your Career

As a corporate controller, financial manager, or treasurer, companies rely on your judgment in order to run smoothly and to grow both strategically and financially. But when it comes to your own personal career growth, moving past the often mundane functions of the job requires sharpened financial analysis skills. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide addresses both the classical aspects of the field, including capital purchase and acquisition target analysis, as well as comprehensive information on the analysis of many internal areas. Here is invaluable guidance regarding:

* How to improve a corporation's overall performance
* When to buy assets
* How to increase shareholder value
* How to recognize indicators of specific underlying problems
* How to use financial analysis reports, including electronic spreadsheets
* How to determine future business conditions . . . and much more, to help raise your visibility within the company, and earn the recognition, promotions, and career success you deserve.

Book addresses both the classical aspects of the field, including capital purchase and acquisition target analysis. Provides comprehensive information on the analysis of many internal areas. DLC: Controllership.
Vydání: 1.
Datum vydání: 4/2000
Počet stran: 342
Orientační cena: zde
ISBN: 04-7137-672-8
Vydavatel: Wiley
Více informací:
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